Naturally discourage intestinal parasites through diet, herbs, citrus seed extract and black walnut extract.
We seldom hear about parasite problems in the U.S. Yet even ten years ago it was recorded in medical journals that at least 55 million American children have serious parasitic infections. Parasites kill more people than any other disease in the world. The failure to examine for them is a flaw in the current medical system. Sadly, it seems little is known what to do about it when parasites are found.
Elements of a Powerful, Nontoxic Natural Anti-Parasite Program
The successful removal of parasites from any area of the body is always dependent upon successful elimination of parasites from the intestines first. Effective elimination of intestinal parasites is dependent upon several important factors:
1. Electrolytes
2. Diet and nutrition
3. Cleanliness of the bowel
4. Bowel epithelium integrity
5. Immune function
6. Anti-parasite remedies
7. Attitude
Every organ in our bodies has a natural defense mechanism.1 The bowel is no exception. The bowel immune system has the ability to destroy any pathogen, including any parasite or yeast. The normal American bowel is extremely toxic, impacted with excessive protein and mucoid plaque. It can no longer defend itself. The average American bowel has become the perfect environment for parasites. Parasites seem to thrive upon excessive undigested proteins, mucus, highly processed food and toxins. They hide in the layers of mucoid plaque and mucus, thereby protecting themselves from vermifuge remedies. Removing unnatural mucus (parasite strongholds and food source) is essential in establishing a healthy, strong bowel, capable of defending itself. A dirty, toxic bowel supports parasites, weakens the liver and kidneys, stresses the immune system, and damages the epithelium wall, which leads to leaky bowel syndrome. Establishing full electrolyte reserves and adequate nutrition is the first and most important step in eliminating parasites of any kind. Cleansing the bowel is the second most important step. Rebuilding the bowel wall, part of the third step, is vital if the bowel integrity is weak and deficient, because a compromised bowel wall is unable to defend itself with the phagocyte defense function of the immune system. The integrity of bowel wall tissue is dependent upon cleanliness of the bowel, electrolytes and nutrition.1 This occurs only when the bowel epithelium has an alkaline pH, a relatively clean environment, and full nutritional supply. If the bowel pH is too acid, then its environment becomes toxic and nutritionally deficient, and cells become weak and sluggish, which results in distressed bowel immunity.
With most Americans, these conditions prevail to some degree. An acid bowel destroys friendly bacteria and attracts pathogenic bacteria and other pathogenic or potentially pathogenic microorganisms. As these conditions advance, the bowel becomes more acid, more toxic, and more deficient. Bowel function then diminishes and is no longer capable of defending itself from pathogenic yeasts, bacteria, and parasites. At a certain point, the bowel wall develops weak points and leaky bowel syndrome develops. This is a condition where the normal tight bowel structure, which is designed to allow only specific size nutrients to enter the portal veins, stretches. As the bowel integrity weakens and stretches, larger and larger particles can enter the bloodstream. Now undigested proteins and other toxic substances enter the blood. The liver is the first area attacked, and over a period of time the liver weakens. After the liver is no longer able to function effectively, symptomatic conditions present themselves. This is a natural course, followed by advancing disease. Therefore, cleansing and rebuilding bowel integrity through nutrition and herbs is essential in establishing bowel immunity.
Recommended Steps for Eliminating Parasites**
Step One: Alkalize. It is essential to alkalize the body with electrolyte minerals. A high percentage of Americans have depleted their electrolyte alkaline reserves. Until full electrolyte alkaline reserves are fully restored, the ability to restore the immune function and rebuild normal metabolic function is severely weakened. Electrolytes are essential in cell metabolism, and this includes cells of the immune system. Electrolytes are also used to remove acids; too many acids in the bowel will damage bowel function. There are test kits that can help you to discover how depleted your electrolyte levels may be.
Step Two: Nutrition. Every cell in our bodies must have adequate nutrition in order to function perfectly. Most Americans eat food grown on depleted soil. It is imperative to eat only organically grown food, eat a vegetarian diet, prepare food properly, chew food thoroughly, and eat only when you are in a state of peace and hunger. For optimal results, it is recommended that you drink fresh vegetable juice daily, especially carrot/celery/beet juice. Otherwise, eat fresh fruits, vegetables, and soaked nuts and seeds.
Step Three: Cleanse the Bowel. Use a proven effective intestinal cleansing program. For maximum benefits, a followed carefully full program is used before embarking upon a parasite cleanse. Many people release numerous parasites through cleansing. For those who must remove parasites quickly, a mild cleansing program can be used along with anti-parasite remedies. (Do not expect the same results as with the full cleanse program.)
Step Four: Rebuild Bowel Integrity. It is important to begin to rebuild bowel integrity by supplying the bowel with important herbal and nutritional foods. Choose an herbal and nutritional supplement is designed to not only soothe and heal the bowel wall, but also to feed and strengthen it with important nutrients. One that contains specific astringent herbs to help tighten the gut lining. It is also helpful to take vitamin C with meals – approximately 2,000 mg. daily.
Step Five: Build System Immunity. Echinacea extract is recommended for stimulating the immune activity. A general probiotic, in capsules, should be taken as well. Choose one with specific bacteria which assist immune activity in the bowel and help to rebuild the bowel wall.
Step Six: Attitude. In recent years, scientific evidence has mounted that emotions are the basic cause of all disease in the body. There is no question that emotions control hormone secretion and nerve activity, which either strengthen or weaken the immune system. Hormones and nerves are greatly influenced by emotions, which affect every physiological and metabolic function in our bodies. Therefore, it is vital to work on eliminating resentment, anger, hate, fear, guilt, depression, greed and other negative emotions. Without correcting these conditions, achieving optimal health becomes much more difficult, if not impossible. We have found that visualizing ourselves as perfectly healthy and happy is very effective. As the body or consciousness begins to clean out the cause of disease (negative attitudes), cleansing reactions occur. This also brings to the surface, like a cleansing reaction, conscious and unconscious unresolved issues that block our perfect health. (For more on this, see Cleanse and Purify Thyself, Book 1). When we do the right things for ourselves, these reactions pass quickly. It is important to learn about cleansing reactions, for though they are desirable, they can be uncomfortable and sometimes frightening.
Step Seven: Anti-parasite Remedies. Choose the correct herbs for your specific needs.
Herbs known to assist in the elimination of Round Worms
- Green Black Walnut Hulls – Effective against all types of worms and diarrhea. Also useful for ulcerations, inflammations and other problems that may occur with stressed bowels. A powerful disinfectant and antiseptic.
- Wormwood (Artimesia Annua) – Considered the most effective of all the wormwoods. It is one of the most bitter of all herbs. Especially effective against roundworms and useful for liver and stomach disorders. It counteracts poisonous plants.
- Cloves – A powerful disinfectant and germicidal agent that increases circulation and reduces gas and nausea. Some have claimed that it destroys parasite eggs.
- Gentian Root – Very effective tonic and is considered effective against malaria (protozoa) and worms. Is used for liver, exhaustion, cancer, poisonous insects, and snakes. It stimulates circulation and strengthens the system.
- Ginger – Known to increase the effectiveness of other herbs. It also helps reduce stress in the stomach and bowels. Reduces gas and nausea.
- Hyssop Herb – Known to expel worms and is soothing and healing to the bowels, kidneys, bladder and spleen.
- Mandrake Root – A very powerful glandular stimulant. It is used for treatment of chronic liver diseases, skin problems, bile flow, digestion and intestinal obstructions. It helps strengthen the liver and bowels. It is one of the few herbs known to remove worms from the urinary system. It also helps remove lead and pinworms.
Herbs known to assist in the elimination of Tape and Flat Worms
- Male Fern Rhizome – Considered highly effective (the proper variety only) against tapeworms and other worms as well. It is also an astringent and tonic.
- Pink Root (Spigelia marilandica: Loganiaceae) – Has been considered a certain remedy for tapeworms and roundworms. It is essential to use the proper pink root, which is difficult to obtain as it is not readily available on the commercial market.
- Pumpkin Seeds – Considered to be effective against tapeworms, some roundworms and urinary problems.
- Chamomile – Helps soothe upset and irritated stomach and bowels.
- Senna Leaf – Increases peristalsis and increases the effectiveness of some vermifuges. It also helps remove worms.
Walnut Extract and Citrus Seed Extract for other parasites
These extracts target microscopic and extracellular parasites (protozoa, amoeba) and parasites in areas of the body outside of the bowels. They are recommended to be taken longer than herbal blends – 60 to 90 days is ideal. Green black walnut can be used at the same time as the anti-worm formulas. Citrus seed extract is suggested to be taken after one has finished the anti-worm formulas. Follow the directions.
Green black walnut extract and the citrus seed extract must be taken at least one half hour or more apart to avoid possible adverse reactions in some individuals.
Diet for Parasite Elimination
A diet rich in alkaline forming foods (mostly vegetables) is optimal. It is recommended that you avoid dairy, wheat, sugar, meat, poultry or fish. Not only are these items very acid-forming and mucus forming, they are also the best foods for parasites. It is important to establish an alkaline bowel to effectively eliminate parasites.
Along with an anti-parasite program it is very helpful to do a mild phase of an intestinal cleanse program. At least drink a cleansing shake of bentonite and psyllium daily (to help to absorb the toxins from the die off and remove parasite eggs) along with an herbal laxative such as a formula containing cascara sagrada (to keep your bowels moving). Be sure to get plenty of nutrition each day. You may want to take some sort of green superfood or other herbal nutritional supplement. A general bifidum bacteria based probiotic should be taken daily as well.
Symptoms of parasite die-off are: weakness, bloating, feeling tired and tiring easily during exercise. Symptoms caused by the herbs may include allergic reactions (very rare), diarrhea or weakness. In any case, simply reduce the amount of herbs being taken. And, if you are feeling toxic, try an enema.
Special Note: With all the above information in mind, each individual must gauge his/her own experience and keep their health care practitioner current as he or she moves along through an anti-parasite program. It is very important for each person to learn to listen to his or her own body. Your health care practitioner will then make choices about how to apply the program for you as they see how your body responds and get a sense for what it needs, and how much of it is optimum for you.
CAUTION: DO NOT USE ANTI-PARASITE HERBS OR EXTRACTS WHEN PREGNANT. Cut back on dosage if unusual symptoms occur (other than mild headaches, mild nausea and mild weakness). If symptoms are unusually strong, discontinue immediately.